Saturday, December 27, 2008

China on the Zoom

So the briefest of updates- I'm currently writing this from Lhasa, Tibet (in an awefully smokey internet cafe full of online gamers). From Shanghai, Mom and I went to Beijing (Great Wall, Tian'namin Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Temple of Heavan, a cloisonne factory, a silk factory, etc) From Beijing, we took a sleeper train to Xi'an, home of the fammed Terra-Cotta Warriors. We also took a ride on a golfcart around the top of the city wall, went to see how the terra cotta warriors were made and I went to a dumpling dinner and Tang dyanasty dance and music show. And now- we're in Tibet. (which, is actually warmer than Xi'an or Beijing, which is totally contrary to predictions.)

I've taken over 600 photos/ mini videos and I'll be able to start uploading once I get back to the comfort of my mom's apartment in Shanghai.

Since we're now in Lhasa, I'm eager to start exploring. Detailed updates to follow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bious!!! the best for 2009!