Good-bye Dhaka. Good-bye ogling, groping men. Good-bye rickshaws. Good-bye heavily polluted air and waters. Good-bye overpopulated delta sinking under the weight of your people and rising waters. Good-bye scary microbes and malaria carrying mosquitos. Good-bye fabulous students. Good-bye my little expat bubble. Good-bye Morshida. Good-bye driver. Good-bye bowling ally apartment. Good-bye tailor. Good-bye American Recreation Club. Good-bye heart wrenching poverty. Good-bye awesome bosses. Good-bye beggars with stump limbs and skin sack babies. Good-bye sunny classroom. Farewell to the friends who actually talked me into walking around Dhaka as Miss. Tex-ass, hopeful contestant in the Miss Glitter Galaxy Pageant. May we meet again (but... maybe with me in more clothes and with less ogling men about?)
*disclaimer* This photo was for a good cause (we won hundreds of dollars that have been donated to charity.) Oh yeah- the other good cause was us making our own fun since there is no pre-fabricated fun to speak of (no cinemas, no malls, no night clubs, no good restaurants... no where ever you go to have fun) But making your own fun... ah... that produces blackmail quality photos. :)
I totally thought you had PhotoShopped yourself in there until I read the whole entry. Awesome fundraising idea, and awesome shorts.
the shorts say "texass" on the back... in red sequins. Yeah... for some reason a lot of people have a hard time believing that I really did that. :)
Unbelievable...Any other pics from your adventure?
Come back to Dhaka again. you'll wonder how much is changed now...
Didnt get lucky there. Gotta find out why they putthe BANg in bangladesh
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