Above is one of the most beautiful sights I've seen since moving to Jerusalem- the KEY to my very first apartment in Israel! That beautiful piece of metal and plastic is the result of many hours of work- many with the help of a wonderful Israeli friend since everything is in Hebrew- from reading postings for apartments online, making many phone calls to set up viewings, traipsing across Jerusalem to find the places, contract negotiations, more contract negotiations, understanding rental obligations in Israel and finally check writing and contract signing. I'm absolutely thrilled with my new place- although there is still much to be done to transform it from random apartment to HOME.
First stop- The hardware/ paint store.
I have been told that for only studying Hebrew for four and a half months that I can communicate pretty effectively. It still frustrates me to no end- and I feel I have a pitifully small vocabulary. Also, I realized that I probably couldn't say some of these words in Spanish or French either- much less try to explain what I want in Hebrew. So, instead of setting myself up for a game of Charades in the paint store, I opted for Pictionary. (The top half is trying to describe plaster putty to patch up the holes form nails and the second half is a list of items.)
Needless to say the guy at store was well humored when I said in Hebrew, "Can you help me? I need these things" and then pulled out my drawings. I would have to say though- extremely effective way of communicating. He also went and showed my pictures to the other men working- and my favorite part- gave me a discount off the sticker price. :)
So, I'm in the process of painting and cleaning. I have a lot to do before my shipment from Bangladesh comes out of storage on Monday (so excited! I get my massage chair! - which my back desperately needs after all this work!) Also, it's pretty normal that apartments don't come with washer, stove, oven, or fridge- so I'm also on the look out for those items. And a roommate.